How to Install Gapps On Zenfone CN/CUCC Firmware

  • Root Explorer (Download Here)
  • jb (Download Here)
  • RootZenFone-1.3r.apk (Download Here)
How to Install Gapps On Zenfone CN/CUCC Firmware:
  1. The first thing to do is to have ROOT access for this we will connect our Zenfone to pc and copy the RootZenFone-1.3r.apk file to a directory you can remember easily, preferably in the ROOT of the internal memory.
  2. Once we have our apk file, disconnect our phone, and we direct us to the menu settings / Security and select the option "Unknown Sources"

  3. Now disable the WIFI and Mobile Data, and activate "airplane mode" THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT
  4. Open our file manager and seek our Root ZenFone-1.3a.apk file and install it, once installed open it, accept the terms, select "SuperSU (by chainfire)", and give the ROOT button, then we waited a bit, we will open an application from asus demo, and we expect to accept, back to your application Root ZenFone-1.3r.apk and see a legend that says you reboot the device, restart, and once ignited will verify that we have a new application called "Super SU" and proceed to the next step.

  5. Now unzip our file and copy the "system" folder and file Root Explorer v.3.1.7.apk to the internal memory of our team remembering the location, install Root Explorer v.3.1.7.apk and ask us if we want to give super user permissions, if we ask we will tell you YES.

  6. Open Root Explorer to our application v.3.1.7.apk and the top two directories we select the right and we'll find our sytem folder you copied in the previous step, once found select the square of the right and appear a little "dove" and we will see a menu at the bottom, select the copy (two overlapping sheets)
    and now select the directory on the left side and we will position ourselves superior to the ROOT of the entire device, we will click on the option "Mount R / W" and grant super user permissions and give "Copy here" at the bottom,

    ask us if we want to change directories and tell you that if, during the process it is likely that your Asus Zenfone will automatically restart, if it does not restart manually after restarting started installing applications, and ready and have our google play store ready to fill our team apps.

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